Saturday, March 8, 2008

A Chocolate Bath

Last night, I decided to pamper myself with a chocolate milk bath and a banana oatmeal facial. Both seemed to be disappointing. I pictured a luxurious chocolate bath that I could soak in for hours, and a delicious, strong smell that would make me want to drink it. When I first stepped into my brown bath, it smelled good but the scent soon faded. The chocolate stuck to my body because the recipe did not blend well. I took a shower after that to rinse my body and my tub off. I am still hooked on the idea of a nice chocolate bath, so there are more reviews to come. With the banana facial, I was also disappointed. It was very messy and did not stick to my face because it was so chunky. After a few minutes my face began to burn. The banana recipe is my own creation (a mix of dried oatmeal, honey, and a banana) and the chocolate recipe is from all free crafts. If you are in the mood for experimenting, I suggest you try the chocolate bath The banana facial, I would not even bother. How about a chocolate sundae?


xoxoTori said...

Oh I found a recipe for one of those and it sounded good. I've tried a facial with banana and oatmeal too once and it did the same thing. Also the flip flops are about twenty dollars!

Jessy and her dog Winnie said...

Chocolate bath! That sounds really cool!